Xmas message

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Xmas message

Post by Ozzie »

Well another year is almost up. Another difficult year no doubt for some of us, or if not, our friends and families. One of the few times I’ve been glad to be old, retired and on a stable income.

It’s times like these you appreciate the low cost and availability of the simple pleasures you can get from a vintage trailer sailer. We haven’t sailed as much over winter as we planned but managed some pleasant days on the boat communing with seafood…sorry seabirds. We have not freed up our stuck cb yet but now the water has warmed up I’m going diving and scrubbing. I’m 86ing another haul out at the moment as my youngest daughter has scheduled a trip home from UK and I don’t want to waste any of the family sailing days I’ve promised her over the time of her visit.

We now have 243 members on the books and have racked up nearly 7200 posts on 1100 topics over the life of this incarnation of the forum. Ian B if your listening, hope you’re well and enjoying your keeler. Thanks again for a good idea of starting the original forum back on msn almost two decades ago. Also many thanks to Geoff, Montoman, computer whiz, keeper of the flame and dual Investigator owner for his generous sponsorship and management of our little corner of the net and the sailing world. Also thanks to Ray and Emrys (chief Aldi scout) for their assistance in moderation of these pages and to all who have contributed.

It’s great to see these excellent little boats continuing to be refurbished and preserved for the future. On a personal note I’ve just hit the same mileage as my late dad, 66. A somewhat odd feeling as others have warned me of. As I’ve mentioned on here at odd times, he constructed our first family boat, a twelve foot ply displacement dinghy back in the 60’s. Named it after my late mum. As I think back on them these days I hope that little dinghy is still kicking around out there somewhere with a few fresh fish being hauled over the gunwales, as he would wish.

As I finished our last refurb, and read about all yours with stuff like Peter and Alex , I felt confident these little Investigators will still be on the wind long after I’m blowing in it. And that’s a nice thought to end the year on.

From one starting to look like Santa rather than playing him🎅🏻,safe Xmas, safe sailing and stay positive. Unless your going for a Covid test, then stay negative.

Cheers Ozzie and clan . Old 143.🌲🎅🏻
Investigator #143 "SPRITZIG II"

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Re: Xmas message

Post by Peter T »

Hi Ozzie, what a lovely post for Christmas. I would also like to wish all forum members a safe and joyous Christmas. Thanks also to Geoff for this forum. What a great way to help keep these lovely little boats alive and well. With my boat, I unfortunately found lots of issues with it which just had to be fixed as it is such a great design that I felt that I could not just let it go any further and it became a fix it or trash it decision. This of course had nothing to do with the boat itself. It all came back to those who have done the wrong thing by it over many years and it's issues became cumulative over time. Fortunately, having built a fibreglass boat in the past and restoration of vintage motorbikes and cars, I find that I am capable of making these repairs and with great help from friends and members of this forum, it is slowly being transformed to at least as good as new or better and certainly a lot stronger. At the end of the day, I will have a boat that will do exactly what it was designed to do with safety and security.
What I didn't allow for is my age which just keeps creeping up on me so it is taking quite a bit longer to restore it than I had expected. Also the Tasmanian weather has had a part to play here as well.
I have found that at 71, you spend two days sanding by hand upside down under the boat and then at least double or More than that to give the old bones time enough to recover. Patience is definately a virtue.
I was going to have the boat completely to how I wanted it prior to launching, but on reflection, once it is seaworthy and painted, its going to get used and the ongoing refurb on the deck and insides will have to be done between sailings over time. After all, these things were built to be used.
The reason for my detailed posts on this forum is what I see as my way of offering help to others who may find similar problems themselves and my main message in that is that Everything is repairable and hopefully, anyone who has the inclination to do so can, small step at a time, also effect the same repairs without having to fork out thousands of dollars to have it done for them. These repairs are not too daunting so long as you do just take each small step just one at a time.
As I said at the start, stay safe, also, wear your mask in public, get vaccinated if not already done, have your booster after 6 months, tell your loved ones that they are loved, eat too much Christmas pudding and launch you boat if not moored, sail the hell out of it and have as much fun as humanly possible.
Merry Christmas and thanks for all your help.
Regards Peter T
" Sail-La-Vie," # 114

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Re: Xmas message

Post by Ozzie »

Thanks Peter. I’d say your detailed restoration has been I’m sure read by many, many sailers, both 563 owners and others. It worth remembering that many boat owners using Google probably land here and access the treasure trove of stories and get information invaluable to the boating community. World wide. I find Practical Boat Owner a great reference. British site and I’m not interested in “Good overnights on the Soling” but when my mast base was seemingly welded on and needed removal, lots of good stuff.

Meant to add, as there is still 19 shopping days left till Christmas. What do you all want . I’ve asked Santa for a rechargeable Cree LED spotlight from Jaycar/WW/Aldi. Boats ate too much fun to restrict them to daylight hours. ;)
Investigator #143 "SPRITZIG II"

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Re: Xmas message

Post by Geoff »

Hey fellas,

Thanks, I am happy to be able to do the little bit I do for the forum, but its real strength is the members. Great seeing the input from everyone, long-timers and newer members alike.

The huge attraction of the forum for me is the sharing, of ideas and most especially practical experience. Plenty of people can tell you what should and shouldn't work, but nothing beats first-hand feedback.

One of the great attractions of our boats, for me, is that they are not all clones, we not confined by rigid class rules. We can customize as we like, for our own reasons. To see what others have done is an inspiration, especially for newbies like me. Even when we don't necessarily follow others' ideas, they give new perspectives. Running rigging is one example, there probably aren't 2 boats the same.

Anyway, I hope life is good for everyone is these weird and wonderful times. Happy Christmas and holidays to all, and may there be much sailing. And here's to a great 2022.

Investigator #50 'Timeless'
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Re: Xmas message

Post by snoopebj »

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year all
Hope 2022 brings us a bit more hope and cheer. Completely agree Ozzie about us being lucky retirees during these stressful times and able to live a simpler life with these basic boats. Still a strong following and as Geoff says a very helpful friendly and happy bunch of owners putting their own stamp on their boats with no strict class rules.
My attempt at a new years resolution following the simplicity theme will be to throw out everything except my boat, sound system and Triumph motorbike. As in every year I usually cave in.
Cheers all
Fair winds and following seas

Investigator #166 'Current Affair'
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Re: Xmas message

Post by Peter T »

Hi Emrys. It always amazes me how many people who sail, also own motorbikes. I don't know what it is, probably has something to do with the feeling of wind in the hair, the feeling of freedom both sailing and riding or the forces of nature being close at hand. Anyway, never but NEVER get rid of the Triumph my friend. I have probably owned 20 plus odd motorcycles over the years ranging from 1913 right up to 1998. Still love them as I do sailing. CHEERS
Regards Peter T
" Sail-La-Vie," # 114

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Re: Xmas message

Post by snoopebj »

Yes you’re right Peter it’s the feeling of freedom and being at one with the elements. We’ve ridden through rainforests in SW Tassie ,my regular ride here across the Seacliff bridge to Bald hill hang-gliders. Putty rd to the vast Thunderbolt way near Gloucester. Sailed the Investigator in wonderful scenery in the Myall Lakes, Hawkesbury river and here round the Five islands in Wollongong.
May we be able to enjoy these freedoms for years to come.
Happy new year
Fair winds and following seas

Investigator #166 'Current Affair'
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Re: Xmas message

Post by Peter T »

Ditto my friend, ditto
Regards Peter T
" Sail-La-Vie," # 114

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."
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