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How often do you drop in .

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 9:28 pm
by Ozzie
As we have not done a poll on here yet with Geoff’s great new software I thought I’d try one.

But what topic ??

Well…! Say outboard size?, mooring or trailer?, brand of scotch kept onboard ??

You may recall I bunged up a few stats on membership and attendance on my “Mod’s Merry Xmas thread”. I’m always curious to see how many views we get on topics. Sometimes the numbers stagger me. Obviously if you start a topic like “next weeks Lotto numbers” or “improve your fuel consumption by ten times using radish juice “ you will get a lot of hits generated by Bots rather than Investigator enthusiasts but we have fairly respectable traffic for a one design forum .

Tonight, as I logged on. NOTE Bots are identified, interestingly as registered 🤖 some of them I’ve never heard of

So anyway I’d appreciate it if you could participate in our little poll. I will leave it going for 31 days as that covers one of the options.

Meant to add, if you’re a regular visitor but don’t normally log in other than to answer the poll, say hello while you’re here and suggest a topic you might like us to cover.

Re: How often do you drop in .

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:19 am
by Geoff
Beauty Ozzie, I wondered what they would be like here.

I will pick the answer that is closest for me, but my attendance is reactive - I have my user panel set up to notify me of new posts, so when I get an email I click the link and go to the topic. So I am the definitive lurker. Reactive not proactive.

Unless I want to research a specific, then I use the search function and trawl through the old posts and topics.

It is always a buzz when I am thinking about making some mod and wondering if anyone else had done it, and sure enough, back in 2010 it has been discussed and people giving their real experiences, good and bad.

That is what is great about forums like this, the real feedback.